Age and Classification Eligibility#
The tables below reflect information for the 2024-25 season in regards to event eligibility and event groupings to earn a new classification. Fencers must be current competitive USA Fencing members in good standing to compete in competitions conducted under the auspices of the USA Fencing.
For a fencer to compete in a specific age category competition or any "Open" level of competition conducted under the auspices of the USA Fencing at regional, divisional, or national levels, the following criteria must be met.
The fencer's birth year falls within that age bracket OR ---
If a fencer is currently, as of the entry deadline for that tournament, listed in a National age group point standing, the fencer may enter the next older age category of competition, even if that fencer is younger than allowed by the age bracket.
For categories of competitions in which criteria in addition to age must be met, the fencer must also meet those criteria by the entry deadline. There are different age eligibility criteria for the Veteran tournaments.
International competitions follow the Birth Years in Table A.
Table A: Before and Including Junior Olympics
2024-25 Local/Regional/National Tournaments (October 2024 NAC, November 2024 NAC, December 2024 SJCC, January 2025 NAC & 2025 Junior Olympics)
Division I | DV1 | Born 2011 or earlier | A, B or C |
Division I-A | DV1A | Born 2011 or earlier | N/A |
Division II | DV2 | Born 2011 or earlier | C, D, E or U |
Division III | DV3 | Born 2011 or earlier | D, E or U |
Parafencing | PARA | Born 2011 or earlier | N/A |
Senior Team | STM | Born 2011 or earlier | N/A |
Adult | ADLT | Born 2003–1985 | N/A |
Adult Combined | ADLTC | Born 2003 or earlier | N/A |
Veteran/Veteran Team | VET/VTM | Born 1985 or earlier | N/A |
Veteran 40-49 | V40 | Born 1976-1985 | N/A |
Veteran 50-59 | V50 | Born 1966-1975 | N/A |
Veteran 60-69 | V60 | Born 1956-1965 | N/A |
Veteran 70 & Older | V70 | Born 1955 or earlier | N/A |
Veteran 80 & Older | V80 | Born 1945 or earlier | N/A |
Junior/Junior Team | JNR/JTM | Born 2005-2011 | N/A |
Cadet/Cadet Team | CDT/CTM | Born 2008-2011 | N/A |
Youth 14/Youth 14 Team | Y14/Y14TM | Born 2010-2013 | N/A |
Youth 12 | Y12 | Born 2012-2015 | N/A |
Youth 10 | Y10 | Born 2014-2017 | N/A |
Youth 8 | Y8 | Born 2016–2018 | N/A |
Table B: After Junior Olympics
2025 March NAC, 2025 April NAC, 2025 May SJCC, 2025 National Championships & July Challenge & Associated Regional & Division Qualifying Competitions Only (Post Junior OIympics)
Note: Eligibility is the same as noted in Table A above for all categories except Junior and Cadet.
Junior | JNR | Born 2006-2012 | N/A |
Cadet | CDT | Born 2009-2012 | N/A |