Referee Emeriti
Referee Emeritus is the highest honor for USA Fencing referees. It is awarded for referees with multiple Olympic experience and great service to the sport of fencing in both the national and international arenas. Those individuals so honored, retain their USA Fencing referee ratings for life.
Ralph Goldstein refereeing Krieger and Gilbert in 1940 – Awarded 1988
Daniel Bukantz – Awarded 1989
George Worth reciting the Oath of Athletes at the 1959 Pan American Games – Awarded 1989
Chaba Pallaghy – Awarded 1992
Anthony (Jack) Keane (left) and Michael D’Asaro – Awarded 1999
Ralph Zimmerman (left) and Sylvio Vitale – Awarded 2001
George Kolombatovich weight testing a foil – Awarded 2009
Russell Wilson meeting the Emir of Kuwait – Awarded 2009
Gerrie Baumgart – Awarded 2011
All images were graciously provided by Andy Shaw from the Museum of American Fencing.