Referees' Commission Committees#

Domestic Assignment Committee

Responsible for hiring referees for the National Tournaments of USA Fencing

Sean Shumate — Vice Chair

Committee Members: Anne Crocket, Mary Frye, Kelly Koehler, Mark Stasinos

For more information on the Domestic Assignment Committee, click here.

International Development and Assignments Committee

Responsible for developing and hiring referees for international fencing competitions

Kelly Koehler — Vice-Chair

FIE Development Committee: Adam Brewer, Jason Chang, Rylan Delap, Tyler Jacobson, Taysir Mahmoud, Matt Tucker

FIE Assignments Committee: Adam Brewer, Jason Chang , Tyler Jacobson, Laura Schwarz, Jelena Zeljkovic. Advisors: Iana Dakova, Tasha Martin. Athlete Rep's: Morgan Partridge, Brian Kanashige, Dwight Smith

Para Advisory Committee: Jon Moss, Sean Shumate

Domestic Referee Development- National

Responsible for the education and development of referees at the national level

Jelena Zelkjovic — Vice Chair

Committee Members: Andrew Foster, Tyler Jacobson, Nathan Jeon, Sean Shumate, Laura Schwarz, Matt Tucker

Responsible for the education and development of referees at the local and regional

Charles Astudillo- Vice Chair

Committee Members: TBA

Rules and Examinations Committee

Responsible for decisions on the rules and maintaining the USA Fencing rulebook and online referee exam

Bradley Baker — Vice Chair

Committee Members: Anne Crocket, Devin Donnelly, Tyler Jacobson, Laura Schwarz, Matt Tucker. Athlete Rep's: Iman Blow, Ben Igoe, Jason Pryor

Referee Ombudsman

Responsible for investigating referee complains and suggesting solutions

Bobby Gibbs — Vice Chair

Committee Members: April Alford, Tim Bookwalter, Susan Borgos, Matthew Bush, Lisa Campi-Sapery, Olivia Curry, Alan Freedman, Chad Morris

RC Ombudsman website:

Ethics Committee

Susan Belanich — Chair

Referees: Stephanie Chan, Derek Cotton, Will Curtis, Ebony Harris, Maya Lawrence OLY, Yizhe (Andy) Liu, Kevin Shanahan, Jeff Spear, Lindsay Stapleton, Lisa Wolf, Madison Zeiss

DEIB Task Force

Formed in 2021, Cultivating and Fostering Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging.

Tasha Martin — Chair

Committee Members: Dominique Hance, Harrison Hue, AnnaMaria McGill Lu, Justin Meehan, Nathan Schlessinger