USA Fencing Ratings Awarded#

USA Fencing Recognizes Local Athletes

USA Fencing is pleased to recognize USA Fencing members who earn or renew their USA Fencing rating.

Recognition will be based on the month in which the rating earned is posted by the USA Fencing National Office.

Fencers who have earned ratings (those tournaments received by the national office and processed) from January 1 to March 20, 2023 can be found below.

If you do not see your name listed, please contact your tournament organizer and have those results emailed to for processing. 

Interested in a commemorative Certificate celebrating your achievement?  Please contact the national office via email at for more information

If you have any questions, please contact the national office via email at 

First NameLast NameWeaponClassificationDate EarnedTitle
DustinReaganEpeeA3/11/20232023 Jessica Batts Memorial
SimonJonesEpeeA2/26/20232023 RPI Spring Open
PhilipHedgesEpeeA2/25/2023TFC February Fencer A Thon
RonaldThorntonSaberA2/26/2023Veteran Saber Slam
PeterSoudersSaberA2/25/2023William and Mary Conomikes Gutenburg Open
JulianSpierEpeeA2/26/2023Bobcat Open 02/26/2023
HarperEllisonEpeeB3/11/20232023 Jessica Batts Memorial
BlakeDanisEpeeB3/11/2023Mandel Sporting Events Colorado Cup #4
ElianFreyre De AndradeSaberB3/11/2023Mandel Sporting Events Colorado Cup #4
EderGonzalez-MartinezEpeeB2/26/2023San Diego Senior cup #4
EthanLuhEpeeB2/25/2023TFC February Fencer A Thon
NathanMingEpeeB2/25/2023TFC February Fencer A Thon
PaulWintzEpeeB2/25/2023TFC February Fencer A Thon
LouisMontorioSaberB2/26/2023Veteran Saber Slam
AustinCarterEpeeB2/25/2023William and Mary Conomikes Gutenburg Open
LandonSuSaberB2/25/2023William and Mary Conomikes Gutenburg Open
OliviaChengFoilB3/15/2023Junior World Cup - 33rd place
HarrisonSaylorEpeeB2/26/2023Bobcat Open 02/26/2023
ZephYangEpeeC3/11/20232023 Jessica Batts Memorial
LakotaLevandowskiEpeeC2/26/20232023 RPI Spring Open
ConradEmenheiserFoilC3/11/2023AAFA Rizal Open
ZacheryDuszaFoilC3/11/2023CFC Foil Mixed Open Womens
NoahBeitelSaberC3/11/2023Mandel Sporting Events Colorado Cup #4
MaxSchererSaberC3/11/2023Mandel Sporting Events Colorado Cup #4
LiraCannonFoilC3/11/2023Mandel Sporting Events Colorado Cup #4
RobertMoaveniEpeeC2/26/2023San Diego Senior cup #4
MarkusSuorsaEpeeC2/25/2023TFC February Fencer A Thon
WilliamFenkerSaberC2/25/2023William and Mary Conomikes Gutenburg Open
IainSempFoilC2/25/2023William and Mary Conomikes Gutenburg Open
NathanPetersFoilC2/25/2023William and Mary Conomikes Gutenburg Open
TysonDeckSaberC2/25/2023William and Mary Conomikes Gutenburg Open
WilliamFenkerSaberC2/25/2023William and Mary Conomikes Gutenburg Open
JIQiSaberC2/25/2023William and Mary Conomikes Gutenburg Open
AmberNussbergerEpeeC2/26/2023Bobcat Open 02/26/2023
JayJohnsonEpeeC2/12/2023I Love Fencing 02/12/2023
RileyParkerEpeeC2/26/2023Bobcat Open 02/26/2023
EvinHeintzSaberC2/26/2023Bobcat Open 02/26/2023
PaulLewisEpeeC2/26/2023Bobcat Open 02/26/2023
Yllen MontserratGuzman CaballeroSaberC3/3/2023National Team Member - Mexico
ArjunDeshmukhFoilC2/26/2023Bobcat Open 02/26/2023
OliviaChengFoilC3/14/2023FIE Rating  - Coupe Du Monde 12/16/2022
MarisaGreenFoilC3/15/2023Cadet National Championships - United Kingdom
BlakeRuffnerFoilC2/26/2023Bobcat Open 02/26/2023
AndrewPopoviciEpeeC2/26/2023Bobcat Open 02/26/2023
ConnorGrayEpeeD3/11/20232023 Jessica Batts Memorial
NicholasDidyczFoilD2/26/20232023 RPI Spring Open
GabrielLeoneEpeeD2/26/20232023 RPI Spring Open
RobertBrintonFoilD2/26/20232023 RPI Spring Open
CarletonCoffinSaberD2/26/20232023 RPI Spring Open
MaratSmolichFoilD3/11/2023AAFA Rizal Open
AidenClickFoilD3/11/2023AAFA Rizal Open
MaratSmolichFoilD3/11/2023AAFA Rizal Open
BraydenBonettiSaberD3/12/2023Escrimeur Senior Sabre Cup
MarkNiemiecEpeeD3/11/2023Mandel Sporting Events Colorado Cup #4
GavinFoxSaberD3/11/2023Mandel Sporting Events Colorado Cup #4
MilesBoykoFoilD3/4/2023MUS HS Tournament
HenryAllenFoilD9/17/2022Open Foil/U Foil and Saber 1
RichardFultonFoilD2/25/2023TFC February Fencer A Thon
MaureenMadridEpeeD2/25/2023TFC February Fencer A Thon
BrannonSempSaberD2/25/2023William and Mary Conomikes Gutenburg Open
AlexanderOttSaberD2/25/2023William and Mary Conomikes Gutenburg Open
JamesOttFoilD2/25/2023William and Mary Conomikes Gutenburg Open
EmilyXuSaberD2/25/2023William and Mary Conomikes Gutenburg Open
EmmettMoorhouseFoilD2/25/2023William and Mary Conomikes Gutenburg Open
RebeccaHsiehFoilD2/25/2023William and Mary Conomikes Gutenburg Open
TysonDeckSaberD2/25/2023William and Mary Conomikes Gutenburg Open
JamesWallaceEpeeD2/25/2023William and Mary Conomikes Gutenburg Open
MichaelGonzalezEpeeD2/26/2023Bobcat Open 02/26/2023
IanColemanEpeeD2/12/2023I Love Fencing 02/12/2023
GabrielAcunaFoilD2/26/2023Bobcat Open 02/26/2023
EmilyBourdeauEpeeD2/26/2023Bobcat Open 02/26/2023
NathanNguyenSaberD2/26/2023Bobcat Open 02/26/2023
MichaelReinischEpeeD2/26/2023Bobcat Open 02/26/2023
EmanuelSanchezFoilD2/26/2023Bobcat Open 02/26/2023
JakeThayerSaberD2/26/2023Bobcat Open 02/26/2023
AlexandraWaller Del ValleEpeeD2/26/2023Bobcat Open 02/26/2023
NolanChezFoilD2/26/2023Bobcat Open 02/26/2023
zenoDoelemanSaberE2/26/20232023 RPI Spring Open
EvanDobbinsSaberE2/26/20232023 RPI Spring Open
BruceMcRaeFoilE3/11/2023AAFA Rizal Open
HarrisonGauthier-ParkerFoilE2/3/2023Bakersfield First Friday Foil Tournament
VictoriaGeyerFoilE3/3/2023Bakersfield First Friday Foil Tournament
OliviaLiaoFoilE3/11/2023CFC Foil Mixed Open Womens
JohnBayerFoilE3/11/2023CFC Foil Mixed Open Womens
AveryMarraFoilE3/11/2023CFC Foil Mixed Open Womens
ArwaPearsonEpeeE2/3/2023E & Under 3Weapon
RobertGormleyEpeeE2/3/2023E & Under 3Weapon
ArwaPearsonEpeeE2/3/2023E & Under 3Weapon
ArwaPearsonEpeeE2/3/2023E & Under 3Weapon
LucasYorkFoilE10/30/2022E & Under Foil/Mixed Senior Foil
LukaSimatosSaberE3/12/2023Escrimeur Senior Sabre Cup
AvivSpectorSaberE3/12/2023Escrimeur Senior Sabre Cup
ClaudiaFodorSaberE3/12/2023Escrimeur Senior Sabre Cup
JonathanSeidelSaberE3/12/2023Escrimeur Senior Sabre Cup
CalvinWagnerSaberE3/12/2023Escrimeur Senior Sabre Cup
NolanKuFoilE3/4/2023FAP North Unclassified Foil
AmyAmiraultEpeeE2/11/2023February Unrated Cookie Challenge
HallieTiburziEpeeE3/3/2023Freehold Fencing Friday E & Under Epee
JaysukhSinghEpeeE3/3/2023Freehold Fencing Friday E & Under Epee
Collin Chun ShingMakFoilE3/10/2023Freehold Fencing Friday E & Under Foil
GanzaKaramagaEpeeE1/21/2023HOF Unrated Youth Y12 Y14
NalbyVaroquaSaberE3/10/2023Manchen Friday Night U Sabre
MateoWeissFoilE3/11/2023Mandel Sporting Events Colorado Cup #4
CollinMacMillanEpeeE3/11/2023Mandel Sporting Events Colorado Cup #4
CharlieMurdoch RoyEpeeE3/5/2023Multiple Unrated Tournament Results
MartinMoskowitzEpeeE3/5/2023Multiple Unrated Tournament Results
EamonO'BrienEpeeE3/5/2023Multiple Unrated Tournament Results
Jor SamHoFoilE3/5/2023Multiple Unrated Tournament Results
JonahGesenbergFoilE3/5/2023Multiple Unrated Tournament Results
KevinEriksenFoilE3/5/2023Multiple Unrated Tournament Results
SallyPizzutoFoilE3/5/2023Multiple Unrated Tournament Results
SorenJohnsonFoilE3/4/2023MUS HS Tournament
HenryMitchellFoilE3/4/2023MUS HS Tournament
JeremyDiepstraFoilE9/17/2022Open Foil/U Foil and Saber 1
ZacharyFindlayFoilE9/17/2022Open Foil/U Foil and Saber 1
JeremyDiepstraFoilE9/17/2022Open Foil/U Foil and Saber 1
QiuyeLiSaberE9/17/2022Open Foil/U Foil and Saber 1
AndersDalbergFoilE3/4/2023QFC DV3 Foil 34
ClaytonWIckaFoilE3/4/2023Root Beer Mug E & Under
HarutoFukuharaSaberE3/4/2023RRHS Invitational 2023
PorterBoneFoilE3/4/2023RRHS Invitational 2023
XiomaraBrammer-GonzalesSaberE3/4/2023RRHS Invitational 2023
RiyaHegdeFoilE3/4/2023RRHS Invitational 2023
IsabelleNeisinghEpeeE2/26/2023San Diego Senior cup #4
MilesAldrichEpeeE3/11/2023San Fe March Mayhem
SarahLippaiFoilE3/10/2023SASE U & Under Foil
RyanFecarottaFoilE3/10/2023SASE U & Under Foil
PeytonNguyenEpeeE2/25/2023TFC February Fencer A Thon
ThomasKelleyEpeeE2/25/2023TFC February Fencer A Thon
ChristopherWilderinkSaberE2/25/2023TFC February Fencer A Thon
NolanBoeskinFoilE3/11/2023Weekend Warrior #4
NicholasReederFoilE2/25/2023William and Mary Conomikes Gutenburg Open
GavinMortimerEpeeE2/25/2023William and Mary Conomikes Gutenburg Open
ChadwickEdralinFoilE2/25/2023William and Mary Conomikes Gutenburg Open
SamFergusonFoilE2/25/2023William and Mary Conomikes Gutenburg Open
TerraWalkerSaberE2/25/2023William and Mary Conomikes Gutenburg Open
ConnorRossEpeeE2/25/2023William and Mary Conomikes Gutenburg Open
TANLESaberE2/25/2023William and Mary Conomikes Gutenburg Open
TristanBakianSaberE2/25/2023William and Mary Conomikes Gutenburg Open
DerekAndersonEpeeE2/25/2023William and Mary Conomikes Gutenburg Open
EthanOngFoilE2/26/2023Bobcat Open 02/26/2023
KyleLeSaberE2/26/2023Bobcat Open 02/26/2023
GanzaKaramagaFoilE2/11/2023Open Mixed Foil/U Foil/U Saber #3  02/11/2023
ZacharyHaneySaberE2/11/2023Open Mixed Foil/U Foil/U Saber #3  02/11/2023
DanielZamoraEpeeE2/26/2023Blade Runners 02/26/2023
MattSeljanFoilE2/11/2023Open Mixed Foil U Foil and U Saber #3  02/11/2023
MatthewOsbornEpeeE2/12/2023I Love Fencing 02/12/2023
JohnPitzelEpeeE2/12/2023I Love Fencing 02/12/2023
InèsDehonSaberE2/11/2023Open Mixed Foil/U Foil/U Saber #3  02/11/2023
BradenWuSaberE2/26/2023Bobcat Open 02/26/2023
AmberNussbergerEpeeE2/26/2023Bobcat Open 02/26/2023
Jose LuisLamothSaberE2/26/2023Bobcat Open 02/26/2023
JoyceYouEpeeE2/26/2023Bobcat Open 02/26/2023
JacksonBargeEpeeE2/26/2023Bobcat Open 02/26/2023
DanielZhaoEpeeE2/12/2023I Love Fencing 02/12/2023
NoahHolsoppleEpeeE3/7/2023Earn Your E  03/07/2023

USA Fencing makes every effort to publish earned ratings at the earliest possible time but all requirements must be met for this to occur.

Please note: is not affiliated with USA Fencing and any ratings assigned on AskFred are not considered official until the USA Fencing National Office has been able to verify results and tournament protocols.

Before contacting USA Fencing, it is advisable to contact the tournament director first to insure the results have been submitted.  Generally, tournaments can be closed out within five days following the last day of competition, but the process may take up to three weeks.