USA Fencing Podium Dress Code

The following dress code should serve as a guideline for appropriate dress during any awards ceremony at USA Fencing sanctioned events.

Athletes receiving recognition during the award ceremony at USA Fencing-sanctioned events are permitted to wear and/or present the following on the podium: 

  • Athlete’s national or team uniforms to represent their country or club affiliation (e.g. jacket, T-shirt, etc.). If the athlete does not have a club affiliation, any appropriate athletic wear is permissible.
  • Athlete’s national flag or flag of citizenship.
  • Fencing uniforms (whites, competition uniform, etc.).
  • Any tennis shoe, sneaker or fencing shoe.
  • Any athletic headwear.
  • Garments associated with religious or cultural identity. 

 ** Please note, any garment, sign, or article of clothing that can/or overtly cause harm or disrespect towards others is prohibited. **

Compliance with this dress code will be monitored by event officials or its contracted tournament staff and officials.  Athletes who fail to adhere to these guidelines may be asked to change before the award ceremony. In such case, If the athlete refuses the request to change, they may not be permitted to participate in the award ceremony.