Past Officers#

1891 – 1925Dr. Graeme M. Hammond*W. Scott O’Connor*W. Scott O’Connor*
1926 – 1929Col. Henry Breckinridge*F. Barnard O’Connor*F. Barnard O’Connor*
1930 – 1933F. Barnard O’ConnorLeon M. Schoonmaker*Leon M. Schoonmaker*
1934 – 1935Leon M. Schoonmaker*J. Howard Hanway*J. Howard Hanway*
1936 – 1939Harold Van Buskirk*Dernell Every*J. Howard Hanway*
1940 – 1943John R. Huffman*John R. Huffman*
1944Harold Van Buskirk*Pres. Unable to complete term of office
1945 – 1948Dernell Every*Ervin S. AcelGeorge Cochrane
1949 – 1952Miguel A. de Capriles*Warren A. Dow*Rudolph Ozol
1952 – 1956Jose R. de Capriles*Dernell Every*Robert S. Driscoll
1957 – 1960Donald S. ThompsonRalph M. Goldstein*
1960 – 1964Dr. Paul T. MaklerAllan S. Kwartler*Rudolph Ozol

The AFLA incorporated as a non-profit organization in Pennslyvania in 1964.

USA Fencing was formerly Amateur Fencers League of America (AFLA)


1964 - 1968Norman LewisExec. VP* started ’68Anthony J. Orsi*Leo Sobel*
1968 - 1972Alan Miles RubenNorman Lewis*William J. LatzkoPeter Tishman*

In 1973, Bylaws changed to add two Vice Presidents to the Exec. V-P.

1972 - 1976Stephen B. SobelWilliam A. Goering*Irwin F. Bernstein*Peter Tishman*
Chaba M. Pallaghy
Emily B. Johnson*
1976 - 1980Irwin F. Bernstein*Micki ContiEleanor Turney* Howard P. Goodman
Emily B. Johnson*
Manny Forrest

In June 1981, the name of the organization was changed to “United States Fencing Association.”

1980 – 1982Emily B. Johnson*Dr. Marius Valsamis*Dr. Fred G. Rhodes*William J. Latzko
Mary Huddleson*
Charles Thompson*

In August 1982, the USFA opened its national office at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, CO with one full time employee, Ann Whiting, and hired its first full time Executive Director, Carla-Mae Richards, February 1983.

1982 - 1984Michel A. MamloukDr. Marius Valsamis*Dr. Fred G. Rhodes*William J. LatzkoCarla-Mae Richards, 2/83
 Mary Huddleson*
Charles Thompson*
1984 - 1988Lewis W. SiegelCarl BorackJohn Higgs-CoulthardSamuel D. CherisCarla-Mae Richards
Colleen Olney*
George G. Masin
1988 - 1990Samuel D. CherisGeorge G. MasinPaul SoterElvira OrlyCarla-Mae Richards
 Gerrie F. Baumgart
Jack D. Tichacek
1990 - 1992Michel A. MamloukGeorge G. MasinPaul SoterElvira OrlyCarla-Mae Richards
Gerrie F. BaumgartRalph A. Zimmerman*, Interim ’92 (Sick Leave by Richards)
Jack D. Tichacek

In 1992, Vice President office changed from one Executive Vice President and two Vice Presidents to three equal Vice Presidents. Also in 1992, Presidential term of office changed from two years to four years; USFA was incorporated in Colorado.

1992 - 1996Stephen B. SobelWilliam A. Goering*Ann McBain EzzellJennings Smith*Carla-Mae Richards -’94
Stacey R. JohnsonSelden Fritschner '94-2/95
Michael A. MarxWilliam A. Goering*, Interim ‘95

Vice President (V-P) for 1996-2000 period changed: Tom DiCerbo was elected a V-P but died before taking office. George Kolombatovich was appointed V-P until Fall Board meeting at which time Board elected Edwin Hurst.

1996 - 2000Donald  W. AlpersteinEdwin K. (Buzz) HurstAndrew R. Gearhart, resignedRobert J. PrifrelMichael Massik 1/96
Sherry Posthumus*replaced by Michael E. Sullivan
Ralph A. Zimmerman*
Tom DiCerbo*, died shortly after elected
George Kolombatovich Interim VP, 7/96-9/96          
2000 - 2004Stacey R. JohnsonBarbara A. Lynch*Donald K. Anthony, Jr.Michael SullivanMichael Massik
 Sherry Posthumus*
Ralph A. Zimmerman*
2004 - 2008Nancy E. AndersonSamuel D. CherisLinda M. MerrittDerek W. CottonMichael Massik Resigned 9/12/08
J. Roberto SobalvarroChristine Strong-Simmons, Interim 9/12/08-12/08
Edward Wright

**With acceptance of new Bylaws July 2010, V-P positions no longer continue as elected positions.

2008 - 2012Kalle WeeksJerry Benson 7/08-8/10Bradley BakerR. Gregory Dilworth 7/08-7/10Kurt Aichele 12/08-7/10
J. Roberto Sobalvarro 7/08-9/09R. Gregory Dilworth 7/10-8/12
Mark Stasinos 7/08-8/10Sunil Sabharwal 7/10-8/12
Jane Carter 9/09-8/10
2012 - 2016Donald K. Anthony, Jr.Samuel D. CherisVal Belmonte 9/12-8/13
Kris Ekeren
2016 - 2020Donald K. Anthony Jr.David AriasKris Ekeren 2013-2020
2020-2021Peter BurchardDavid Arias

2021 Bylaw Change: the title of "President" was changed to "Chair"

ChairChief Executive Officer
2021 - PresentDavid AriasPhil Andrews