Board Meetings

Board Suspends Previously Announced Changes to Y8 Category


by Bryan Wendell

This means local and regional tournament organizers should stop enforcing the changes to Y8 fencing, such as a shorter blade length for Y8 fencers, shorter strip length and modified competition format.

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — On Sept. 16, 2024, USA Fencing Board of Directors approved a motion to suspend immediately the previously approved and announced changes for the Y8 category. The Board sent the idea back to the Tournament Committee and newly formed Coaches Committee for further consideration.

This means local and regional tournament organizers should stop enforcing the changes to Y8 fencing, including a shorter blade length for Y8 fencers, shorter strip length and modified competition format.

What was originally proposed?

Earlier this year, the Youth Development Resource Team (YDRT) put a proposal together with several key modifications for the Y8 age category, in order to help USA Fencing provide developmentally appropriate competitive opportunities for fencers in this category.

Elements of this proposal were then reviewed by the US SEMI, the Referees' Commission and the Tournament Committee, and based upon feedback provided from these groups, a final proposal was provided to the USA Fencing Board of Directors at the May 18 meeting.

The proposal was ultimately passed. The changes included:

  • A new blade size maximum
  • A shortened strip for Y8 events
  • A new competition format for Y8 events

What happened at the Board meeting on Sept. 15?

At their meeting on Sept. 15, the Board approved a motion to immediately suspend these previously announced changes.

The Board asked the Tournament Committee and newly formed Coaches Committee to continue discussions about the proposed changes.

What does this mean for tournament organizers?

Tournament organizers should stop enforcing the previously announced rules immediately.

What does this mean for fencers and families?

Y8 fencers and their families should follow the blade length, strip length and competition formats for Y10 until additional information is made available.

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