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USA Fencing Announces Full Roster for Olympic Games Paris 2024


by Bryan Wendell

With less than three months until fencing competition begins at the Grand Palais in Paris, USA Fencing is thrilled to announce our full roster of 20 fencers for the Olympic Games Paris 2024.
(Photo by USA Fencing)

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — With the iconic Grand Palais set as the backdrop, USA Fencing is proud to unveil the roster of 20 fencers who will represent the United States at the upcoming Olympic Games Paris 2024. 

The exciting roster includes a remarkable mix of both seasoned Olympians and promising newcomers, all primed to compete on the world’s grandest stage.

Team USA is sending five fencing squads to the Olympics: Women’s Epee, Women’s Foil, Men’s Foil, Women’s Saber and Men’s Saber.

Each squad includes:

  • Three athletes who compete in both the individual and team events.
  • One “replacement athlete” who can be subbed in for the team event only. That substitution, once made, is permanent (meaning the subbed out fencer can’t come back in). The substitution can be made for any reason at the coach’s discretion.

How they Qualified

These athletes have clinched their spots on the Olympic team through strong performances at domestic and international tournaments throughout the qualification window, accumulating points based on their finishing positions.

The top three finishers compete in individual and team; the fourth-place finisher is the “replacement athlete.

Storylines to Watch

  • Veterans and newcomers: The group includes 12 first-time and eight returning Olympians.
  • NCAA student-athletes: All 20 Team USA fencers have NCAA fencing ties. Eighteen fenced at the NCAA level before graduating, while the other two are high school seniors committed to NCAA fencing programs this fall.
  • The seasoned pros: Men’s Foil is our most experienced squad. Including Paris 2024, the group has a combined 14 Olympic Games between them: Meinhardt (5th Olympics) Massialas (4th), Chamley-Watson (3rd) and Itkin (2nd).
  • The all-Harvard team: All four members of the Men’s Saber squad come from Harvard, including three graduates plus Colin Heathcock, who has committed to attend Harvard this fall.
  • Ivy League representation: Thirteen fencers competed (or will compete) for Ivy League schools.
  • Top NCAA schools: The most-represented schools are Harvard (six), Princeton (five) and Notre Dame (four)

What About the Paralympics?

Wheelchair fencing/parfafencing qualification continues through May 31, 2024, and we’ll announce our qualifiers at that time. (You can track how we’re doing here.)

NCAA Fencing Champions

Team USA’s squad for the Olympics includes these NCAA Fencing Individual Champions:

  • Anne Cebula (2019, Columbia/Barnard)
  • Maia Chamberlain (2018, Princeton)
  • Eli Dershwitz (2017, 2018, Harvard)
  • Filip Dolegiewicz (2022, Harvard)
  • Margherita Guzzi Vincenti (2010, Penn State)
  • Nick Itkin (2018, 2019, Notre Dame)
  • Lee Kiefer (2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, Notre Dame)
  • Alexander Massialas (2013, 2015, Stanford)
  • Gerek Meinhardt (2010, 2014, Notre Dame)
  • Lauren Scruggs (2023, Harvard)
  • Elizabeth Tartakovsky (2022, Harvard)
  • Maia Weintraub (2022, Princeton)
(Photo by USA Fencing)

Meet the Olympic Team

Athletes are listed in qualification order.

National coach: Natalie Dostert; National assistant coach Cedric Loiseau

Athlete Name Hometown Club(s) College Events Number of Games Coach(es)
Anne Cebula Brooklyn, N.Y. New York Athletic Club, New York Fencing Academy Columbia Individual & Team 1st Sergey Danilov
Hadley Husisian Oakton, Va. Fencers Club, Elite Fencing Academy & DC Fencers Club Princeton Individual & Team 1st Guillermo Madrigal
Margherita Guzzi Vincenti Hartland, Wis. Ataba Fencing Club Penn State Individual & Team 1st Abbas Fadel
Kat Holmes Washington, D.C. New York Athletic Club & DC Fencers Club Princeton Replacement athlete (team only) 3rd (2016, 2020, 2024) Zoltan Dudas

National coach: Ralf Bissdorf

Lee Kiefer

Lexington, Ky.

Bluegrass Fencers’ Club

Notre Dame

Individual & Team

4th (2012, 2016, 2020, 2024)

Amgad Khazbak

Lauren Scruggs

Queens, N.Y.

Peter Westbrook Foundation, Fencers’ Club


Individual & Team


Sean McClain

Jackie Dubrovich

Maplewood, N.J.

New Jersey Fencing Alliance


Individual & Team

2nd (2020, 2024)

Brian Kaneshige

Maia Weintraub

Philadelphia, Pa.

Fencers Club & Fencing Academy of Philadelphia


Replacement athlete (team only)


Mark Masters

National coach: Greg Massialas

Alexander Massialas

San Francisco, Calif.

Massialas Foundation (MTeam)


Individual & Team

4th (2012, 2016, 2020, 2024)

Greg Massialas

Nick Itkin

Los Angeles, Calif.

LA International Fencing Center

Notre Dame

Individual & Team

2nd (2020, 2024)

Michael Itkin

Gerek Meinhardt

Lexington, Ky.

Massialas Foundation (M Team), Bluegrass Fencers' Club

Notre Dame

Individual & Team

5th (2008, 2012, 2016, 2020, 2024)

Greg Massialas, David Willette

Miles Chamley-Watson

Los Angeles, Calif.

LA International Fencing Center

Penn State

Replacement athlete (team only)

3rd (2012, 2016, 2024)

Michael Itkin

National coach: Aleks Ochocki

Elizabeth Tartakovsky

Livingston, N.J.

Manhattan Fencing Center


Individual & Team


Yury Gelman

Magda Skarbonkiewicz

Portland, Ore.

Oregon Fencing Alliance

Notre Dame (committed)

Individual & Team


Adam Skarbonkiewicz

Tatiana Nazlymov

Bethesda, Md.

Nazlymov Fencing Foundation


Individual & Team


Vitali Nazlymov

Maia Chamberlain

Menlo Park, Calif.

Manhattan Fencing Center


Replacement athlete (team only)


Yury Gelman

National coach: Akhi Spencer-El

Colin Heathcock

Beijing, China

Christian Bauer Academy & Manhattan Fencing Center

Harvard (committed)

Individual & Team


Christian Bauer

Eli Dershwitz

Sherborn, Mass.

Tim Morehouse Fencing Club


Individual & Team

3rd (2016, 2020, 2024)

Aleksander Ochocki

Mitchell Saron

Ridgewood, N.J.

Bergen Fencing Club, New York Athletic Club


Individual & Team


Oleg Stetsiv

Filip Dolegiewicz

Park Ridge, Ill.

Midwest Fencing Club & Tim Morehouse Fencing Club


Replacement athlete (team only)


Bart Pukal

(Photo by USA Fencing)

Meet the Paralympic Team

National coach: Eric Soyka

Ellen Geddes

Aiken, S.C. 

Shepherd Swords

Women's Foil

Victoria Isaacson

Poughkeepsie, N.Y.

The Phoenix Center  & Rogue Fencing Academy

Women's Foil

Byron Branch

Dayton, Ohio


Men's Foil

Noah Hanssen

Ellicott City, M.D.

UMD Club Fencing

Men's Saber

Jataya Taylor

Aurora, Colo.

Denver Fencing Center & Denver Fencing Foundation

Women's Foil and Women's Epee Team

Garrett Schoonover

Salt Lake City, Utah

Valkyrie Fencing Club & Salt City Swords

Men's foil and Men's Epee Team


(Photo by USA Fencing)

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