Introducing Two New Fencing Categories: Adult (21 to 39) and Adult Combined (21 and Older)
by Bryan Wendell
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — Young adult fencers, to your strips please!
Two new categories of fencing especially for fencers aged 21 to 39 and 21 and up are designed to unlock new competitive opportunities for a previously underserved age group.
The categories also address an age gap that previously existed between Junior fencers (age 20 and under) and Veteran fencers (age 40 and older) — especially those who love fencing but aren’t yet eligible or aren’t quite ready to take a crack at the Division I level.
Here’s how we got here: The Events Review Group suggested the creation of the 21 to 39 category and recommended it to the Board. At its meeting on June 10, 2023, the USA Fencing Board of Directors approved the creation of the new categories in the 2024-25 season, starting it at the local level.
Beginning Aug. 1, tournament organizers will be able to offer these categories at the local level:
- Adult: For fencers aged 21-39, with no classification restrictions.
- Adult Combined: For fencers aged 21 and up, including those already eligible for Veteran events. This means seasoned fencers and rising stars alike can face off. As an example, a 43-year-old Vet fencer would be eligible to compete in Vet 40, Vet Combined and Adult Combined.
Regional organizers, meanwhile, will be able to add Adult and Adult Combined events as sanctioned events alongside regional tournaments, subject to review and final approval by USA Fencing.
While this year will not see points awarded in these new categories, participants will have the chance to earn ratings, setting the stage for a competitive future.
Why local first? This staged rollout is a strategic move to test and analyze the interest and demographics of participants in the Adult and Adult Combined categories. That way we’ll have more data as we consider expanding to regional and national levels in future seasons, giving both regional organizers and the national office a better idea of what to expect when it comes to attendance numbers and level of competition.
So, if you’re aged 21 to 39 and eager for more fencing action, now’s the time to gear up. En garde!
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