Athlete Council
The USA Fencing Athlete Council is a diverse group of fencers who represent every weapon, including parafencing
The USA Fencing Athlete Council is a diverse group of fencers who represent every weapon, including parafencing
To contact our board, please use this link.Board of DirectorsPositionTerm ExpiresDamien LehfeldtChair2026 (chair term expires 2025)Andrey GevaAt-Large Director2028Molly HillAt-Large Director2026Maria PanyiAt-Large Director2028Abdel Salem OLY–EGYAt-Larg...
Meetings of the USA Fencing Board of DirectorsThe USA Fencing Board of Directors represents you and all your fellow members in supporting this great sport. And you play a critical role!As a USA Fencing member or interested party, you're welcome to revi...
At USA Fencing, we strive to give our members a seat at the table — ensuring that they have a powerful voice in the future of the fencing movement in the United States.Committees primarily work with the Board of Directors to discharge their responsibil...
2022-2024USA Fencing and Foundation Consolidated Financial Statements — July 31, 2024Post-Audit Communication (2024)2021-222022-232017-20212016-20172017-20182018-20192019-20202020-20212013-162015-20162014-20152013-20142012-20132009-122011-20122010-2011...
United States Fencing Association Bylaws - Effective September 15, 2024Athlete Representation Review Working Group Review Report - March 2021...